Announcement items:
- A#3 out; pairings due TOMORROW evening!
- Reminder: the exam will be CLOSED BOOK but "open wiki appendix"
- Appendix is up: edit it!
- First 10 substantive edits: +1 BP!
- A#3 out by tomorrow; pairings due by Thursday evening!
- Important A#2 update: {- x y z} in example should have been {- {- x y} z}.
- Reminder: the exam will be CLOSED BOOK but "open wiki appendix"
- Vote on Dereck's office hours time (see Vista "assessments" area)
- Wiki appendix or open-notes/text? WINNER IS APPENDIX
- KEY midterm material today: closures (will make many practice Qs make more sense)
- Vote on Dereck's office hours time (see Vista "assessments" area)
We built and admired closures, detoured to the fascinating power of lazy languages, and then came back to implementing laziness.. only to discover that closures gave us everything we needed for laziness!
Meanwhile, I continue to minimize the new code I write in class, which is making it easier to get to the key ideas, although I still find myself running a minute or two over! It's hard not to linger on interesting bugs we run into as we proceed. I could certainly fix these more rapidly without discussing them, but each one is an opportunity to model debugging practice and to explore the semantics of programs. Ah.. the temptation!
I'm wondering how you all are doing with respect to the instructional style, particularly since I've been doing fewer active learning exercises (and, probably consequently, getting less class participation). So, it's about time I did a survey. Maybe Friday or Monday..